Hagerstown CVB supports Softball at Fairgrounds Park
February 29, 2008
To Whom It May Concern:
The Hagerstown-Washington County Convention and Visitors Bureau supports the non-profit organization which has been working hard bringing lighting to the softball fields at Hagerstown’s Fairgrounds Park. I urge you to help support this effort, also.
The CVB markets to state-wide and regional softball tournaments, which can be brought to Hagerstown with enough lighted fields to host teams playing through the days and into the evenings.
Softball tournaments create tremendous local economic impact. Just one typical weekend tournament with about a dozen teams participating (12 to 15 players per team) brings in an additional $25,000 locally, based on the State of Maryland’s conservative visitor economic impact model.
Providing more lighting to our local softball fields will help the local tourism industry (Leisure and Hospitality sector includes restaurants, lodging, attractions, etc.), and will provide more economic impact to the retail sector, as well. Our county needs more softball fields which are lighted, to attract larger tournaments. More field lighting will bring in larger tournaments, and more teams playing which brings more people to Washington County who boost our local economy.
Lighted softball fields add value to an amenity for the citizens of Hagerstown, and additionally provide opportunities for more teams to play after dark, increasing the efficient usage of the fields.
The good folks working with the non-profit softball organization have been fundraising for the field enhancements, and the Convention and Visitors Bureau hopes that you will consider joining with the effort.
Thomas B. Riford
President and CEO
Hagerstown-Washington County CVB, 16 Public Square, Hagerstown, MD 21740, 301-791-3246, www.marylandmemories.com