The mission of the Hagerstown Fairgrounds Softball Association (HFSA) is to make the softball complex at Fairgrounds Park a ‘showcase’ for the city of Hagerstown, Maryland. We will strive to operate and maintain this facility in such a manner as to make it the premier softball venue in the Mid-Atlantic Region. We will also value and maintain a family friendly atmosphere for all end users of this fine facility.
The HFSA was created by the leadership of the Hagerstown Area Church Softball League. The HFSA was formed in 2001 as an entity to lease and maintain the newly constructed softball complex at Fairgrounds Park which is owned by the City of Hagerstown. In addition to grounds maintenance, our organization also has a fundraising component. As a 501C.3 non-profit entity, the HFSA utilizes all proceeds for field improvements such as fencing and field lighting, in addition to routine field maintenance. We also operate the concession stand at Fairgrounds Park. Proceeds from concessions are just one of a number of our fundraising mechanisms. Others include hosting youth tournaments, and organizing golf tournaments, basket bingos and 5K race events.